Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 10: It's game time

An early morning bus ride into the clouds and a quick bathroom break before we headed out on one of the best hikes I've ever been on.

We didn't have a guide so I wasn't fully stretched and warm like these hikers were.

This was the first bridge we crossed. There were a lot of bridge crossings on the hike. Most of them just bare train tracks elevated over a shear drop. We counted how many on the way back, but I forget now.

Although fun at first. Walking over train tracks eventually really sucks on the legs. If ever confronted with such a trail, walk on the side.

Much much more to come.


foodhogger said...

Hahahhaa, always walk on the side, silly.

Stina said...

hahaha ahh this hike was awesome and excruciatingly exhausting. Those old people have some serious stamina. Fun times. Can't wait to see Jomon :)