Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 3 pt4

So I'm already becoming fuzzy as to the origins and the timeline of these pictures, so I'll have to get more out while I still have my memory, bad as it may be.

I'm going to take a wild guess that after roaming around the streets and not finding a place where we could enjoy a beer after sweating in the humidity for 2 hours, we eventually returned to IFC to have a beer and lunch at a pub inside the mall. After which we proceeded out a walkway towards the harbourfront area which was undergoing a massive facelift. Here are some construction pictures:




Too red, but also too lazy to CC properly.

This one looks better really big.


Unknown said...

why all black and white? makes it look all sad... :'( constructions aren't necessarily all bad stuff... at least i hope..

Anonymous said...

Fanastic! Don't listen to Carol - B&W rules! haha!! ;)

Absolutely loving the 2nd and 3rd ones. The Contact Photography fest is starting soon - you comin'?

hobo said...

What's Contact Photo fest???

Is that when they have a bajillion photographers setup at nathan phillips square?


miss toronto

Anonymous said...

Even better!!
